Introducing our Brand Ambassador, Ashton Eaton!

Introducing our Brand Ambassador, Ashton Eaton!
Making it look easy.


I mean we all know how to run and jump, but 100 meters in 10.35 seconds? Or a long jump over 27 feet? That is something only a legend like Ashton Eaton can do. The decathlete has competed on the international stage representing the United States with humility like none other. He finishes days with gold medals around his neck and our country’s flag draped around his shoulders. 

It takes skill to master any sport but as a decathlete, Ashton works on fine tuning ten different events. Nothing can stand in his path- he breaks records and then breaks them again. In a league by himself, we can’t do anything except be in awe. His passion for track and field reached amazing heights. After winning a few awards and breaking some records, he’s ready for his next opportunity to conquer.

We have teamed up with Ashton to be there in his next endeavor. You could say the Wolf & Shepherd team is jumping for joy in excitement. “Ashton Eaton was the hero persona on our mood boards before we ever launched Wolf & Shepherd” remarks Founder and CEO Justin Schneider reminiscing on his brand goals. “He’s a down to earth and approachable individual who embodies both the Wolf and the Shepherd and happens to turn everything he touches into Gold.” You can tell we’re excited to have Ashton join our team as an ambassador. 

Welcome to the Wolf Pack, Ashton. 

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