Father's Day with our Founder

Father's Day with our Founder

We are a close knit team at Wolf & Shepherd and we’ve always encouraged our team members to prioritize their families above anything else. So when Coronavirus hit, I was pretty down at the thought of not being able to travel to see my parents across the coast in Atlanta, GA. Hope and I travel to see them frequently, but with my parent’s watching my grandmother - she turns 90 this year - the threat of spreading Covid-19 was a real concern. The Coronavirus antibodies test was a game changer and gave our family the comfort to make the trip to see them. If anything can help quell the stress and anxiety that has come from straining through this pandemic, it’s spending quality time with the people who show you unconditional love, regardless of circumstances. My Dad, Mac Schneider is my role model and the best example of someone who always makes time for me, always has the right things to say and loves me regardless of my accomplishments and successes.



What’s your favorite quality of your Dad?

He’s a natural teacher and finds ways to weave his years of wisdom into casual conversation in a way that people can relate to at every stage of life.


What is your favorite memory with your Dad?

Back in 2014, we hiked 2 weeks on The Camino to Santiago together. We were able to cram a lot of quality time together through the daily 8-20km hikes, early mornings with cafe con leche and dinners in the small towns sprinkled across the coast of Spain.


What is your favorite memory as a Dad?

Coming back from a 2-week factory trip in Italy, then Portugal to see my kids yelling, “Daddy!” and running to me as if it had been a year since we last saw each other.


How has your Dad influenced Wolf & Shepherd?

My Dad has always encouraged me to pave my own path, whether it was trying out for the Decathlon or studying Industrial Design when no one else in our family had done this before. Starting a shoe company was no different. In fact, he came in as an investor as we closed our first round of family/friends capital.


How has being a Dad influenced Wolf & Shepherd?

Being a Dad helps me detach from the all-consuming, never-ending challenge that comes from both starting and scaling a business. It’s the best reminder that I have two great adventures running in tandem; my wife and kids and Wolf & Shepherd.


What is your Dad’s favorite Wolf & Shepherd shoe?

My Dad is a huge fan of our Hybrids collection and has the Crossover Longwing in both Onyx calfskin and Navy nubuck. But, he’s been eyeing our Crossover slip-on in Navy suede for the last 3 months since he first saw a prototype over the holidays.

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The Future is at your feet

Built from the finest materials we could find and the innovative comfort of the best running shoes, Wolf & Shepherds are a different kind of shoe. Experience them for yourself and never sacrifice style for comfort again.