Back To Work Season: Four Easy Steps to Maximize Fall

Back To Work Season: Four Easy Steps to Maximize Fall

That annual goodbye to your swim trunks at summer’s end is a universally sad time. Progressively longer sleeves slowly begin appearing on your arms. “Layers” returns to your vocabulary fresh off a four month hibernation. Evenings fight a losing battle with darkness, and before long you’ll forget there was ever a time after work with daylight still lingering in the air. 
Many label summer’s departure among the biggest bummers there are, even going so far as to say that “it sucks”. *gasp*
Disclaimer: Wolf and Shepherd does not condone such word choice, especially when used to describe inevitable change. We believe in looking forward to looking forward, and that consistent adaptation to one’s surroundings is critical to personal growth. 
Hey, we’re human though; it’s okay to (briefly!) have those feelings. However, if you’re still mourning the loss of back sweat before you get to work, we’ve prepared a few ways for you to refocus, reenergize, and prepare yourself for the best fall possible. 
Wolf & Shepherd’s 4 Easy Tips to get over the Summer Blues
1. Maximize the comfort and utility of your indoor space
If you’re going to be inside more often, why not make your space as optimized for living as possible? It can be as easy as replacing that St. Pauli Girl Neon Sign (Michael Scott, anyone?) and upgrading with high quality framed photos from this summer’s adventures, adding some indoor plants or even buying art! I promise you can do it. and have tons of great options to do so on a budget.
2. Read a book
What better way to pass the time until that next squeeze of SPF30 than with a good book. It wasn’t that long ago you were bragging to your friends about reading at a 12th grade level in 9th grade, so put your phone down take advantage of your skill! You’re good at this, remember?
Here are some recommendations from Wolf & Shepherd employees:
    • Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
    • Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant
    • Tools of the Titans by Tim Ferriss
    • The Richest Man in Babylon by George Samuel Clason
    • Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B Cialdini, Ph.D
3. Focus on work
It’s long been understood that for most, Q4 is THE time to get stuff done. Prepare for it now, take advantage of it, and enjoy the fruits of your labor later on. I assure you there has never been a time you've looked back on something you’ve done and thought, “Gee, I wish I hadn’t tried so hard.” Get to it!
4. Feel and Be lighter
Sure, you could start preparing for next beach season now; there's no harm in that. Or, you could drop a full pound immediately by slipping into a new pair of Wolf & Shepherd shoes. By using high grade carbon instead of a steel shank, our shoes feel significantly lighter - because they are.
Our Fall picks:

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